A provoking kind of question. In
1849 V.C. Island (with
appurtenances) was granted to the
In the same year
Gov Blanshard was by his commission
Gov of "
V.C.I. and the islands adjacent." This was
repeated in
Gov Douglas' commission
1851. 21 & 22 Victoria,
c. 99
1858 defined
B. Columbia declaring that no part of the
"Colony of
sh be comprised therein and 26 & 27
Vict. c. 83 (
1863) defined
B. Columbia to comprise such & such
Territories "except
V.C.I. and the Islands adjacent thereto."
I should be disposed to include in VCI 1. All those island
(being in HM's dominion)
w are south of the 49 Parallel.
2. Those
w are on the Vancouver side of

the main channel
between that Island & the mainland.
The word "adjacent"—being used in an Act of Parl
cannot be conclusively interpreted by the Executive—but I
think the question m be practically settled by asking the
Admiralty to advise us as to a line, and directing the two
Governors to adopt it.
The department have br to my notice an Act of Parl (12 &
13 Vict. c. 48) of the existence of
w I was unaware when
I wrote my minute upon 4583
B. Columbia, & also when I drafted
B. Columbia Act 26 & 27 Vict. c. 83.
The result is, that the boundary question is more perplexed
than I thought.
The Act 12 & 13 Vict. c. 48. SS 4 defines
V.C.I. to contain
"all such Islands adjacent to
or to the western coast of N. America & forming part of the
Dominion of H.M. as and to the southward of the 52 degree of N.
The Act 21 & 22 Vict. c 99. SS 6 declared that "no part of
the Colony of
V.C.I. as at present established shall be comprised
B. Columbia" leaving all the above Islands to
But the Act 26 & 27 Vict. c. 83. SS 3

repealed the 1
section of the Act 21 & 22 Vict.—continued the remaining
Sections including of course SS 6.1 till
31 Dec 1863 (SS 2) and
then enacted (SS 3) that
B. Columbia should comprise "
Charlottes Island & all other Islands adjacent to the said
Territories" (viz the mainland of
B. Columbia) "except
Vancouvers Island & the Islands adjacent thereto" omitting to
except & therefore, it may be argued, including in
B Columbia
the islands in the
Gulf of Georgia &c which are adjacent to
the "W. Coast of North America" than to
The Governors Commission (by
w I was guided when
drafting the Act of 26 & 27 Vict) defines the Colony as
V.C.I. & the

Islands adjacent thereto, with
mention of the W. Coast of N.A.
I believe it will be safest to ask the L.O. whether under
these Acts the Islands adjacent to the W.C. of N America belong
B. Columbia or to
If they all continue to belong to
V.C. Island it will
simplify the question, & also I suppose will much facilitate
smuggling into
B.C. But it will not be a natural division.