Hardies Buildings,
21 June 1864
The Right Honorable,
The Colonial Secretary
My Lord,
November last I made application to your Lordship to make an
inquiry regarding the circumstances attending the death of my son
Donald Munro who was found dead on the banks of the
Bear River,
British Columbia; and to take possession of any effects
belonging to him. You informed
me in reply that you would take the
necessary steps to carry out my request but not having had any
further communication on the subject I think it right to remind you
in the matter in order to [carry out] a full and complete
investigation. I am informed by a friend and companion of the
deceaseds that he had on his person a Gold Watch and I am naturally
most anxious that that article as well as the Tin Cup found at his
side, with the inscription containing the sad record of the manner in
which he met his death, should come into my hands.