With reference to your letters of
2 Ultimo and
2 Instant I am desired by the Lords Commissioners of
Her Majesty's Treasury to acquaint you, for the information
of the
Duke of Newcastle, that in consideration of
MColl of the Royal Engineers, serving in
British Columbia,
having been disappointed in obtaining a free passage for
his wife and family in the "
Thames City" in consequence of
her illness at the time of the sailing of that Vessel,
Their Lordships will not object to the remission of the sum
of £52.10 being that part of the cost of their passages
in the "
Marcella" which has not been repaid by him by
deductions from his pay;
At the same time Their Lordships request that it may be
ascertained, either from
Colonel Moody or from the Governor
British Columbia, whether the balance of the sum of
£217.11.2 advanced for the passages of the wives and
families of certain men of the Royal
Engineers in the
Marcella," has been wholly recovered.