With reference to
M Elliot's Letter of the
Ins, enclosing a Copy of a Letter from the Governor of
British Columbia relative to the Massacre of a Party of
Roadmakers by Indians, and requesting that suitable
support and protection may be afforded by the Naval Forces
to the Governor; I am commanded by My Lords Commissioners
of the
Admiralty to send you herewith, for the information
M Secretary Cardwell, a Copy of the Instructions on
this subject sent to the Senior Officer of Her Majesty's
Ships at
Esquimalt by the

Mail of the
16 Ins.
My Lords observe that Governor Seymour in his Letter uses
the expression "I dispatched a Gun Boat &c," but they hope
that the expression has been used inadvertently and that it
is not intended to imply that he has any authority over
Her Majesty's Naval Officers.
Minutes by CO staff
Is it necessary to notice the observation of the
Adm ab the despatch of the Gun boat. The Governor having
succeeded in borrowing the assistance of a Gun boat she was
necessarily sent by him, where, in his opinion, she c be most
useful. It is not to be implied, I think, that he meant to assume
"authority over H.M. Naval Officers."
No. But Governors are continually using expressions of
this kind, of
w the Adm never fail to complain.
It is therefore desirable that he
sh be put on his guard. I
add that
M Cardwell takes it for granted that
M Seymour is
fully aware that the
Gov has no auth over
H.M's Ships & that the word noticed by the Lords
C was used in the freedom of semi-official corresp.
The tone of the Adm letter is rather calculated to
discourage cooperation with the Governor.