It is with great satisfaction that I announce to you the
safe return of
M Brew and the party of Volunteers despatched
under him from
New Westminster to act against the Chilicoten Indians.
2. He is at present too much engaged to funish me with full
particulars of his proceedings subsequent to my departure from
his Camp. As mentioned in
my despatch No. 37 of the
9 of
September, he pursued the Indians among the
Bute Inlet Mountains
until his supplies failed. The snow began then to fall and he
proceeded to
Nacoontloon to receive the submission of
and his portion of the tribe. The Chief restored unreservedly
all his share of the plunder but seemed to expect little mercy.
As, however, his hands had not been stained in white men's blood,
M Brew very properly gave him his pardon. then promised
to capture the murderers still at large and immediately proceed
in pursuit,
but as
M Brew had limited him as to time, returned
in six days without them. He says, however, that he will take
them in the spring.