2. I am informed that in
April 1863 Mess
Skinner and
Clark entered into an agreement to supply the Engineers at
Westminster with meat and vegetables for one year. At the
expiration of eight months however
Colonel Moody gave notice to
the contractors that the Engineers were ordered home, and that
the contract would have to be terminated in a fortnight.
3. The contractors complain that they were deprived of four
months privilege of supplying the troops during the winter months,
when their principal profits would have been made, the Engineers
being all in Camp at that Season. Also, that they were compelled
at great expense to open butchers' shops at
Westminster: That,
shortly before the notice given to them by
Colonel Moody, an embargo
had been placed on the exportation of cattle from the United States,
which compelled them to purchase cattle at a great price to enable
them to fulfil their contract, and that, on the sudden termination
thereof by
Colonel Moody, these cattle were left on their hands to
be disposed of at a loss, the embargo having been as suddenly
removed. I am disposed to think that on these grounds they are
entitled to some compensation.