CO 60/16, p. 370
Private & Confidential
I enclose a slip from the morning Post of [blank] inserted
no doubt by Cap Gosset R.E. our Treasurer, gone home on sick
leave—who hates the Gov & Co Moody; and tho' a clever man
still (from a sun stroke in Ceylon) is quite unfit for rule in any
prominent position. He is seeking to be made I hear either Co
Sec or
Gov of
The petition alluded to was got up by a Clique in
New West
numbering 8 or 10 persons, shopkeepers &c—who called a meeting here
one day for the next but one, attended by Californian miners who
happened to be passing down and others who went from curiosity. And
these gentlemen style themselves "
British Columbia."
The prominent men are Canadian emigrants—who are doing their
little all to inflict upon this country—politics as a business, &
politics of the smallest description. The only good ground they
really have hold of, is the want of a resident Governor—and total
final separation from
Vancouver Island in
every respect.
This last will seem strange to folks

in England—who see the little
Island of
V.I. (long may it flourish) so close aboard of the
Continent of
B.C. Geographically—but the systems of finance
taxation, customs, & what has now become a strong
sentiment here—which cannot safely be disregarded; I mean the
hostile feeling & interests between
B.C. &
V.I.—as well as the fact
BC is mining & agricultural with a revenue from customs chiefly,
VI's destiny is absolutely & purely
commercial, indissolubly connected with its free port
system—combined have created such an absolute divergence of views &
interests between the two Colonies, that they never could work well
together. The preference has always been from the first
artificially given to
Victoria to the material prejudice of
New West—in all points where the interests of the two places came
in collision.
Outside of that B.C. has been thoroughly well managed—in the
face of difficulties Geographical & financial which no young 4 year
old colony of England has ever yet had to pass through.
The system of Roads laid out, the excellence of their construction, &
the economy with which they have been built must be seen to be
properly appreciated.
Roads! Roads! Roads! These are our first & greatest wants. The very
life blood of our healthy existence. No temporary sacrifice is too
great to perfect these.
The estimate of Taxation per head on each Colonist in
BC in the
article in the Post, is purely imaginative. It is a well known fact
to those who have given attention to the subject that 40 per Cent of
our Customs & other duties is paid by the Indians—& these the Post
entirely ignores—tho' over 60,000 men!! Besides the road taxes are
defrayed ultimately by the
transient non settling Miners; & so small an element are they
in forming the market price of the goods on which they are assessed
at the Mines—that it is the general saying of the Miners—why
we have no Taxes here!
They know well enough that tolls put on—to make
roads to the Mines—lower the cost of every
lb of provisions
that comes over the road so made, by 8 or 10 times the amount of the
Toll. The merchants the same—& these together however transient,
constitute our population. The proof of it is, that to a man, they
have signed petitions wherever opportunity offered—praying for the
construction of these roads—& asking for the imposition of the Tolls
in question.
There is no way of hitting the Miner (the only monied class
here) & making him contribute towards the expenses &

cost of
governing the Country from which he extracts the most valuable of its
staples—except by road tolls & customs taxes on things he
must use.
A Tax on the Export of Gold (the fairest of all) is at present
it is understood impracticable from the cost & difficulty of
collection & the facility of evasion afforded by such an extended
frontier—& without the
Certainty (as in Australia) of a defaulter being brought up &
detected at a
sea port.
Washington Territory is (at present) it is reasoned, much too close
to be pleasant—where Collections of Gold Tax is concerned.
The difficulty of the future—Is how are you to get up a
Representation that shall be a real one in
BC when there is not a
single Town (except perhaps this one of
N. West) where you can get
even a
Jury of purely British subjects—& yet they talk even of
Responsible Government "ins & outs" & all the complex political
arrangements of a populous & highly civilized country of 200 years
political life & proportionate experience—as a thing to be even
thought of for years to come.
I should be sorry to see any mistake made at home in any new
constitution they may give us. It is I am well aware the fashion of
the day with legislators at home, whatever their
home) political Creed, to legislate for the colonies from
what, we at home, call an out & out Radical point of view—falling

into the opposite extreme to that which evoked the American revolution.
The result we are already beginning to see in the working of
Universal suffrage in Australia—which [is] (unlike this) admittedly
the most English of all our Colonies.
At a similar meeting to the one I described as framing the petition
spoken of by the Post—the same knot of men selected a rabid but
cute Canadian played out politician—as a delegate.
They tried to get up a subscription to send him home but at last 2 or
3 of the set were obliged to borrow £200 & then pretend it was the
result of a subscription in the B. Columbian Newspaper published
here—of which they are the proprietors. They declined to publish
the subscribers names.
They have dubbed him as the
delegate of BC—tho' he was only 3 weeks in the country & has
never even passed a quarter thro' it.
His name is
Malcolm Cameron a third rate Canadian politician by
trade (They have
paid members in Canada) a Director of the
Grand Trunk Railway & an aider & abettor in that vast network of
jobbery—which you will remember

the English Committee of Enquiry
that sat upon it—were actually afraid to publish, it was so bad, for
fear of
ruining their stock altogether.
He pretended to have an Inter-oceanic Railway in view in coming
here—& was astonished at the substantial way in which we have been
driving Roads towards Canada—but his real object no doubt was to
make a new Cry for political purposes, for his party is now in the
back ground in Canada, as well as work his game in England, & if
possible use the Virgin Credit of a young & promising
Gold Colony for a "through" scheme—which should commence work
from the Canadian side—give a new chance for "plunder" there—&
leave us to
complete & pay as best we might, at leisure.
I should have mentioned that all those who have left the Country,
some 70,000—have
all contributed, & indeed have been the persons who have really
paid nearly the whole of the taxation.
[No signature]