J.S. Hawkins, Royal Engineers, to Under-Secretary of State for War
H.M. Boundary Commission
2 Victoria Street, Westminster
July 23 1863
My Lord
When the granite obelisk marking the Western terminus of the
continental Boundary between the territories of HM & the United
States under the Treaty of 15 June/46 was erected it was not
practicable to complete the inscription on its Eastern face as
no agreement had been entered into between the joint Commission
as to the exact longitude of the spot. The Astronomers of the
two Commissions have recently done this by a comparison at
Washington of observations and results.
The inscriptions of the several faces of the obelisk were
executed by a man
of the Detachment of R Engineers stationed
B. Columbia (
Corporal W Hale) whose services were temporarily
placed at my disposal for the purpose by
Col Moody RE—and as
I think it is very desirable to have the one in question completed
& that it can best be done by the man who already knows the
locality &c, while I understand the Detach is likely shortly
to be withdrawn from the Colony, I have the honor to request that
YL will either instruct
Col Moody to that effect, or will
move the
Sec of State for the Colonies to do so through the
Point Roberts (the site of the obelisk) can be reached
New Westminster by boat or canoe in 3 or 4 hours, & the
work ought not to occupy more than a day or two, I think there
is no occasion to raise the question of cost—especially as the
obelisk is now of importance to the Colony as authoritatively
defining its limit.
The longitude agreed upon by the Joint Commission, &
therefore not open to question is 123 3' 53". The
figures ought to be made of the same size & character as those
indicating the latitude. It would be as well if the man employed
were to be provided with a little cement to make good the
jointing of the obelisk, if found necessary; & with some black
paint to restore the old & paint the new lettering. Perhaps
also something might
be done towards keeping down the young
growth likely to have sprung up in the clearing for the monument,
but this is a question affecting all the Boundary cuttings which
will be brought prominently to notice before closing the commission.
I enclose a photograph of the Eastern face of the obelisk,
on which the inscription has been completed.