Commissioners of Audit to Treasury
Audit Office, Somerset House,
London W.C.
7 July 1863
My Lord,
In transmitting for consideration the state of the
Account of
Captain W.D. Gosset R.E., Colonial Treasurer
British Columbia for the year
1861, we beg to enclose
a statement of certain payments, claimed credit for
therein under the authority of the Governor which are
not provided for by the sanctioned Estimate of the year
or have not been otherwise notified to this Office as
having been submitted for your Lordships approval.
We have also to notice that credit is claimed for
a sum of £60 as cash stolen from a Constable who had
been sent into the Forks of
Quesnelle to collect Revenue,
but which sum has been disallowed by us; and we have
called by Query for any special directions that may have
been given by the Governor in respect of this loss, and
evidence that the amount had been included in the
sums brought to account in Revenue.
With reference to the proclamation authorizing the
issue of Road Bonds which accompanied
M Peel's letter
2 July 1862, we have to notice that the moneys
raised upon Bonds during
1861 amounted to £2,250 on
account of the
Harrison Lilloet Road; and that a sum
of £1951.4.5 was borrowed from the Government of
Vancouver's Island as a temporary Loan for a short
period, bearing interest at the rate of one per cent per
mensem, for the purpose of paying off certain Bonds
which had become due.
Should your Lordships be pleased to approve the
state of this account we have to request that it may be
returned to us with your Lordship's Warrant to sign and pass the same.
The Estimate and papers are returned
herewith as requested
M Peel's letter of
2 Dec 1862 N 17407.