I am directed by the Paymaster General to request that
you will be good enough to move the Secretary of State for
the Colonies to cause the necessary instructions to be
given to the Governor of
British Columbia for the issue of
the Superannuation allowance of
Joseph Cue, late a Pensioner
of the Irish Constabulary, by the Colonial Treasurer of that
Colony, at the rate of £29 per annum, from
1 April 1863 inclusive, in conformity with the instructions
in the accompanying papers. I am also to request that until
further orders the Pensioner on claiming exemption from
Income Tax, may be required by the paying Officer to execute
after the 5 April in each year, the enclosed form of
Declaration as regards Income, which Declaration should be
attached to the voucher for the first payment made after that date.
These payments should be charged by the Treasurer, in
his account, for recovery through the Commissioner of Audit.