I am desired by the Governor to acquaint you that a
small Box containing the specimen Gold pieces described
in the margin
18 Gold pieces of the value of 10 dollars American Currency.
10 do do 20 dollars American Currency.
$380 American Currency in all.
will be forwarded to you by this opportunity
through the Express Office of Mess
Wells Fargo & Company,
and I am to request you will deliver these gold pieces to
Professor Lindley, or to
Commander R.C. Mayne R.E. (The
Colonial Commissioners at the International Exhibition) in
order that they may be exhibited in the
British Columbian
Compartment at the Exhibition; and I am further to request
that you will be good enough to defray any little expenses
which may be incurred in procuring a suitable case in which
they may be placed both for security and to attract attention.
2. The Commissioners will be requested at the close of
the Exhibition to return these gold pieces to you and His
Excellency begs you will kindly cause them to be sold as
bullion and place the proceeds to the credit of the Colony.