In reply to your letter of the
24 Instant, requesting to be informed whether Naval Chaplains have any definite rank among Naval
Officers which would admit them to the privileges
of the
British Columbia Military and Naval Settlers Act; with
reference to an application from the
Rev. Henry Alexander for
information as to the amount of land to which he would have a
claim, if emigrating; I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners
of the
Admiralty to acquaint you for the information of the
Duke of Newcastle that Chaplains originally ranked with
Lieutenants, Masters, Surgeons, Paymasters, &ca; that by Order
in Council of
13 May 1859 Chaplains having ten years
service ranked with Commanders; that, by Order in Council of
23 February 1860, it was ordered that Chaplains should
not hold any Military Rank, but should be treated with all
the consideration due to their
sacred Office, and that by
Order in Council of
11 June 1863, Chaplains are not
awarded any Military Rank, but that they stand on the List
of Officers of the Civil Rank of the Service, above Solicitor
General of Hospitals and Fleet, who rank with Rear Admirals.