Sir F. Rogers
I send you this despatch at once, thinking that
M Begbie's
recital of his peregrinations up the Country will be useful to
you in the consideration of the means by which the
Duke of Newcastle's
"outline" for a Constitution for
B. Columbia can be worked out.
B. Columbia—or rather a knot of persons at
New Westminster—has
been calling out loudly for the establishment of a separate
Gov. In order to
accomplish this design it is proposed to give the Colony a Governor to itself, and
a partly nominated, and partly
elective Leg: Council. But this Council must, of necessity,
be in the first instance, and probably for some few years to come
limited in its numbers, and drawn from a circumscribed radius. For
the Magistrates have enough to do in keeping order among the miners
without having to repair once or twice a year to
New Westminster to
attend the deliberations of the Council—omitting all mention of
the difficulty, and expense of such journies—and as for the
miners they are only fit for digging and washing for gold. It will
be impossible to make Leg. Councillors out of the mining class.
The result is that the members of the Council must be drawn, as
before observed, from such materials as can be found in and near
New Westminster,
Lytton, and such other places as
contain persons of respectability. I should suggest that this office
content itself with an announcement of the change contemplated
with respect to this
Gov, with the selection of a suitable
Governor who should be instructed to report to the
Duke of Newcastle,
as soon as he could

after his arrival, how large this L.C. ought
to be, and who are the persons, and whence they can be drawn, who
sh compose it.