I have the honor to direct your attention to my despatch No. 62 of
20th November 1860 in which you were requested to call upon
Gosset to report upon defalcations to the amount of £598.0.4 that had
occurred during his tenure of
the Office of Surveyor General of Ceylon.
I now transmit to you a copy of a further despatch on the subject
from the Governor of Ceylon, and I have to express my surprise that no
answer has yet been received from
Captain Gosset. You will so inform
him, and will call upon him to furnish without loss of time the
explanation required of him so far back as
November 1860, appraizing him
at the same time that unless a prompt answer is received from him, there
be no alternative but to hold him responsible for payment of the
defalcations which took place during the period I have named.