I at this moment I would deem it as a real christian favour
from you for you to condescend to my request Viz to obtain for me
a free grant of Land at or near
Victoria, on
Frazer River British
Columbia Colony without delay and likewise I request the favour of
Sir Geo Grey Bart Home Secretary of State for England and you
immediately to demand the Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds Sterling
left to me from my late

M Thomas Weatherby late of
Linnhead by Cockburnspath Berwickshire, Scotland and two years
interest due on that sum at Whitstide
1862. Your Grace by this
time must know I lost nearly Eleven Thousand Pounds starting with
farming [sick?]
rented Farms under the late
Earl Grey and
Grey of Morwick by Warkworth in Northumberland England and with
other failures of highland Farmers in the sad years of from
to 1833 [that Ruined Poor me?]. I would

deem it as a very great
favour from you by first mail to hear, an answer.
Your Grace knows I know strange events which has and will happen for several years
to come
Sir Geo Grey knows the same if he knows the peoples thoughts in
Northumberland England.
I hope you will not think I am insane when
I write to you so truthfully and freely. If you remember I put a
Black thread round the newspapers I sent to England from here
after the middle of
December last.

I was very sorry when I heard of the death of him for he was
doing a very vast deal of good for England. Your Grace I am 57
years old and has had a part of hardships to contend with
since I left England on the
6 November 1852. I arrived at
Victoria with only one Shilling in my Pocket. I have
been in New Zealand for 4 1/2 years and I think it is full time I
was out of it. Fiji Island, and Chattam Island are worthy of
protection and will pay for such. Protect
British Columbia
very strongly both by sea and Land.