I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of Your Grace's
Despatch of the
1 September last N 143, expressing your
surprise at no answer having been received from
Captain Gossett
[Gosset], the Treasurer of this Colony, in respect to the defalcations
that had occurred
during his tenure of the office of Surveyor General of Ceylon, and upon which
Captain Gosset was called upon to report by Your Grace's Despatch of the
November 1860, N 62.
2. My Despatch N 42 of the
1 September last, will,
ere this, have informed Your Grace of the steps I took to carry
out your instructions as conveyed in Your Grace's Despatch last
mentioned, and of the reasons
Captain Gosset had to offer for
neglecting to furnish the report desired. It
is possible that
Captain Gosset may have furnished the required information since
his arrival in England, but I shall, nevertheless, forward to him by the
present Mail, a copy of Your Grace's Despatch now under reply.