Lieutenant Colonel Hawkins having suggested that the men serving
under him, in the Boundary Commission should be placed on an equality in
respect to settlement in
British Columbia with the men of the Royal
Engineers who are under the orders of
Colonel Moody I have to inform you that the Secretary of State for War
has intimated that the

men who are
named in the accompanying list will be allowed to take their discharge
the Queen's service on the withdrawal of the Detachment from North America. This permission
having been obtained you will inform
Colonel Hawkins that he is at liberty to announce to the men mentioned in this list that if they
shall be disposed, on the return of
the Detachment to England, to settle in
British Columbia they shall have
the same advantages as to land in that Colony as have been promised to
the men composing
Moody's party.
It should be added that residence and Military service, if
required, are indispensable conditions for this indulgence.