Money being required for payment of the Colonial pay &ca
of the Royal Engineers, I have the honor to acquaint Your Grace
that I have authorized the Treasurer to obtain, when circumstances
will permit, the Sum of Three Thousand pounds in the usual manner
Bills upon Her Majesty's Paymaster General, and I trust Your
Grace will cause the necessary authority to be issued for the
acceptance of the Bills, drawn on this Account, upon their presentation.
2. The sum of Six Thousand pounds is all that has been as
yet drawn this year. The Parliamentary Vote for
British Columbia
31 March 1862 is Eleven Thousand pounds for "Colonial Pay of Royal Engineers," exclusive of the
Salary of the Chief
Commissioner of Lands and Works (in command of Royal Engineers).
Therefore if the
Coin sent out by the "
Tartar," be not considered
in the Parliamentary grant, there is still a sum of Two Thousand
pounds available before the
31 March 1862, and this sum
will, I believe, just meet our requirements on account of Colonial
Pay &ca of the Royal Engineers to that date. I therefore trust
that the Coin sent out by the "
Tartar", and which was issued from
the Treasury in
October 1860, may be treated as irrespective of the aid granted by Parliament for
1861-62, for as I have before
to Your Grace the remote and almost inaccessible part
of the Country in which the recent rich gold fields have been
opened demand immediate heavy expenditure in improving the
communications &ca and so numerous and so pressing are the
calls made upon me, that, although not able to meet a tithe of
them, I am, nevertheless, just now more straitened for means
than at almost any other period since the creation of the Colony.