With reference to the correspondence and information
which I have had the honor to receive from Your Grace upon
the subject of the International Exhibition to be held in
London during the forthcoming year, I have the honor to
communicate to you that I have appointed the Gentlemen
named to form a Commission to represent the interests
of the Colony of
British Columbia at that Exhibition:
John Lindley Esq, F.R.I.
Richard Charles Mayne Esq, Commander, Royal Navy.
2. The qualifications of
D Lindley for this appointment are well known, and need no explanation from me. Of
Commander Mayne I need only say that he has just returned to England upon
promotion, after a service of nearly four years in these Colonies
in Her Majesty's Surveying Ships
Hecate, and that
this Colony is indebted to him for valuable information acquired
during certain exploring trips undertaken at my request.