Requisition having been made upon me for money on Military
Account, I have the honor to acquaint your Grace that I have
authorized the Treasurer to procure the sum of Three Thousand
Pounds (£3000) by drafts upon Her Majesty's Paymaster General, and I
Your Grace will take the necessary steps to cause the same to be accepted on presentation.
2. I am not quite clear as to the state of the account
existing between this Colony and the Imperial Government,
inasmuch as I am not aware whether the money sent out by the
Tartar" is considered in the Estimate for
1861-1862, or whether
it is accounted for in the previous years Estimates; but
may be the case, I earnestly trust your Grace will
not object if our account be somewhat overdrawn, as the present
critical state of the country which I have fully represented
in other despatches, compels me to attend to the pressing calls
for increased expenditure which arise on every side.