Adverting to your Grace's Despatch N 22 of the
5 May 1860, I have the honor to forward herewith an Abstract of Receipts and Disbursements on
account of the Detachment of Royal
Engineers serving in the Colony
British Columbia, between the
1 January and
30 June 1861, accompanied by proper Vouchers.
2. The preceding Accounts and Vouchers were transmitted to
the Commissioners of Audit, with the Colonial Accounts, as
mentioned in my Despatch of the
16 Ultimo N 56, for the
two Accounts had become so intermixed that it was deemed
inexpedient to separate them; but in
future, the expenditure
of Imperial Funds voted in aid of the Colony shall be accounted
for as soon after the expiration of each quarter as practicable,
agreeably with the requirements of Your Grace's aforesaid Despatch.