With reference to your Grace's Despatch,
Vancouver's Island
N 59, of the
12 June, I have the honor to forward herewith
an Account of the Bills drawn by me upon Her Majesty's Paymaster
General to defray the expenses of the Royal Engineers & Royal
serving in
British Columbia, for the year
1859, and an Account of Bills, in like manner drawn to defray the Expenses of the Royal
Engineers during the year
1860, accompanied in each case by an abstract of the Expenditure under the different heads
of Service, the entire details of which together with the
requisite Vouchers, were forwarded with the general Accounts of
the Colony to the Commissioners of Audit on the
15 of July
last. I also transmit a Statement of the Bills drawn on the
Paymaster General, and of the sums advanced to
on account of the Regimental Pay of the Royal Engineers.
2. I will take care in future whenever Bills are drawn upon
Her Majesty's Paymaster General that the Service upon Account of
which such Bills are drawn be distinctly marked upon the Bill.