With reference to my despatch No 17 of the
February last, reporting my having authorised the Treasurer
to procure the sum of Three Thousand Pounds (£3000) on Military account,
I have the honor
to acquaint your Grace that up to the present time no drafts have been made on this
account on Her Majesty's
Paymaster General, owing to the arrival shortly afterwards of
Her Majesty's Ship "
Tartar", with the sum of £6,900 in silver
coin, and which sum has since been repaid to the credit of
Military account, agreeably to the arrangements made
in your
Grace's despatch No 58 of the
30 October last.
2. That amount having been since expended, and Requisition
having been made upon me for a further sum of £3000 on Military
account, I have authorised the Treasurer to procure the same
by Bills in the usual manner, and I trust your Grace will give
the necessary instructions for such Bills to be accepted