With reference to your despatch No. 52 of the
12 of May last,
I am directed by the Secretary of State to transmit to you the enclosed
copy of a letter from the Emigration Commissioners shewing the steps
that have been taken for sending out to
British Columbia certain women
who had married or engaged to marry some of the Royal Engineers
stationed in

the Colony; as named in the list enclosed in
Moody's letter of the
29 of March; you will perceive that these
Women, with certain exceptions,
have proceeded to
Vancouver Island in the
Marcella" which left for the Colony on the
12 Instant.
As the cost of these passages will be advanced from Imperial Funds,
I am desired to instruct you to take the necessary measures for
repayment of the amount in the manner authorized by the Secretary of
State's despatch of
21 of July last, No. 43.