I have been requested to arrange the presentation of the
accompanying Memorial to the
Duke of Newcastle through some
gentleman in
London. I avail myself of your friendship with
my uncle
M Elmsley

ask you to do us this favor. The
duplicate has gone to the Duke through the Governor of
Vancouver Island.
It is a matter of great regret that the Memorial was not
laid before the Miners of
B. Columbia at an earlier stage than
it was. I speak

in good knowledge and authority when
I say that 200 additional names might have been recorded.
I have the honor to be Sir,
Y faithfully
A.D. Pringle
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H. Merrivale Esq
To His Grace the
Duke of New Castle,
Her Majestys Principal Secretary of State
for the Colonies &c &c &c &c
May 22 1860
May it please your Grace
I have the honour
to acquaint your Grace that a numerously attended and influential
Meeting of the Inhabitants of
New Westminster British Columbia
British Subjects and others resident in
British Columbia was
convened at that City Monday
March 5 1860, to consider the
propriety of Memorializing her Majestys Secretary of State for the
Colonies on the political questions agitating the Colony of
British Columbia and what remedy could be suggested to remove
their grievances and hasten the progress and prosperity of the
Colony. Previous to commencing the proceedings of the above
meeting it was unanimously resolved that the representations
proposed should be made by British Subjects only. I must State
to your Grace that this decision was unanimous on the part of
British and non British Subjects of her Majesty and it was
considered requisite, in consequence of some of the residents of
Victoria Vancouver Island promulgating the opinion being frequently
[expressed] that British Subjects of her Majesty are not
unfavourable to the present form of Government and Legislation
as carried on in
British Columbia [and]

unfavourable Views and
remonstrances proceed from the American portion of the population alone.
I have to State to your Grace that the following resolutions
were unanimously passed with the exception of three dissentients.
In the opinion of this meeting an absolute form of Government is
not suited to this Colony, but a Representative Government is most
consistent with the Views and wishes of the People of
Columbia to ensure the progress and develope its resources.
The time has now arrived for the People of
British Columbia
to address Her Majestys Secretary of State for the Colonies on the
political grievances under which they are suffering to request
His Grace to lay such representations before Her Majesty and to
solicit Her Majesty to grant the People of
British Columbia a
Representative Government.
The System of Taxation at present in force in
Columbia is arbitrarily promulgated unsoundly levied and unequally
divided. A Committe[e] be now appointed to draw up a Memorial to
Her Majestys Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies to be
refered to the consideration of this meeting which do now adjourn
and assemble tomorrow
March 6 at 7 oClock pm.
I beg further to inform your Grace that in accordance with
the last Resolution Named the Memorial which I have the honour
to append was approved of by all whose signatures it bears.
I have the honour to be
Your Graces Obedient Servant
J.A.R. Homer, Chairman
P.S. It has now been three months and upwards Since the above
mentioned Meeting took place in
New Westminster during which
time the petition has been in circulation through the Coloney [sic]
and has had three hundred and forty additional names appended thereto.
And I am assured by
Doctor Chisholm (one of the Committe[e] who
had the Memorial in charge that during the time he found but two

British Subjects who opposed it.
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