In reply to your Letter of the
31 Ultimo, enclosing
a copy of a Despatch from the Governor of
British Columbia,
stating the grounds which necessitate the addition of the
Salary of
Colonel Moody, as Commissioner of Lands and Works in that Colony, to the other advances made by
Her Majesty's
Government in aid of
British Columbia; I am directed by the
Lords Commissioners of
Her Majesty's Treasury, to acquaint you,
for the information of the
Duke of Newcastle, that: They will not object to the payments that have been made on account
Colonel Moody's Salary, in the Capacity above mentioned, being considered for the present as advances
British Columbia.
As soon as the Accounts have been received of the Expenditure
of the several sums for which Bills have been drawn by the
Captain Gosset, Their Lordships will be able more
clearly to ascertain the amounts advanced for services, other
than Military, for this Colony.
In the mean time, They would

observe, with reference to
the 8 Paragraph of the Governor's Despatch, that Sundry
sums have been advanced on account of the Civil Establishment
of the Colony, viz for the Passages of the Judge, Inspector of
Police and other Officers, which sums appear in the Account of the
Payments by the Paymaster General, already furnished to His
Grace's Department.