We have to acknowledge your letter of
26 instant
enclosing a Despatch from the Governor of
British Columbia with a
Proclamation issued by him on the subject of the disposal of
Crown Lands in that Colony.
Governor Douglas states that a doubt had arisen whether,
under the Proclamation of
14 February 1859, Land which

been exposed to public auction and not sold could be disposed
of by private contract. He has in consequence issued the present
Proclamation to remove that doubt. It provides that Town and
suburban Lots which have been offered at public auction and not
sold may be sold by private contract at the upset price and on
the same conditions—and agricultural Lands similarly situated
at 10/- an Acre, payable half at the time of Sale and the
other half at the expiration

of two years.
3. We have to report our opinion that this Proclamation
may be approved.