At the earnest solicitation of Captain Gosset the Treasurer
of British Columbia I forward herewith to your Grace, copy of
a correspondence having
reference to his appointment to the
Office of Colonial Secretary.
2. Under the circumstances of the style and tone of Captain
Gosset's letters I would willingly refrain from any comment,
but as established rule requires me to report upon the
application, I am con
strained to offer a few remarks on certain
prominent points.
3. Your Grace will observe that Captain Gosset endeavours
to establish a grievance because I have not appointed him to an
Office which is not vacant, or at all events because I will
not bind myself to create the vacancy and
appoint him at an
early period, and, while having done no more than his duty, he
would strive to shew that he has thereby been conferring a
great obligation upon me, which I was bound speedily to
repay. It is unnecessary for me to dwell upon this point,
Your Grace is perfectly aware of the
circumstances under
which the British Columbia Treasury was originally established
and continued for a period, at Victoria. It was not out of
"complaisance to me" that Captain Gosset opened his office
here; and I leave to the judgement of your Grace his
misapplication of these circumstances, circumstances that
did in reality
save him from much of that hardship and
inconvenience which he labors to prove it has been his
misfortune to experience.
4. I do not presume that Captain Gosset when accepting
the appointment of Treasurer had any assurance given him
that he would be appointed
Colonial Secretary upon arrival
in the Colony, and I therefore am at loss to conceive where
he has cause of complaint, for he has been enjoying the
appointment conferred upon him by Her Majesty's Government,
and neither he nor his family have been exposed to any
greater inconvenience than they must have anticipated when
leaving England, probably far less.
5. I must further remark that were the Office of
Colonial Secretary vacant, I could not appoint Captain
Gosset to it, for my experience of him during the last
eighteen months has shewn me that he is not fitted either
by habit or
disposition, for a post where tact, discretion,
and a conciliatory manner are important specialities.
I give this opinion reluctantly, but it is forced
from me by the course Captain Gosset has adopted.
The course to be taken on this case seems so clear that
I do not feel it necessary to submit certain facts respecting
Captain Gossett [Gosset] whh otherwise it wd have been my duty
to mention. As the Office of Col: Secy of Brith
Columbia is still held by Mr Young, and as, if vacant, the
Governor has Authority to fill it up by a nomination on the
spot it will probably be enough to instruct the Governor to
inform Capn Gossett that his representations have been
recd & considered and that the S. of S. has nothing to
add to the communication addressed to him by direction of
the Governor on the 23 August last (in 9602).
Mr Fortescue Capt Gosset, though evidently a man of a faulty temper,
appears to have been an able & useful public servant and I
think it would be rather more respectful to him to add a few
words to the dph proposed by Mr Blackwood even though they
were rather of a reproving character.
Qu[ery]. Ackne observe that Mr Y's
acceptance for the present of the office of Col
Secretary renders it unnecessary to advert to Capt Gosset's
application for that office. Add that with reference to
the correspondence wh has passed and particularly to the
concluding sentence of Capt Gosset's letter of the 23rd
of Aug the S. of S. cannot refrain from observing that
the Civil Service would be overwhelmed by personal
controversies if every Public Servant was entitled to
demand a public examination into his general conduct in
case the Govr of the Colony in wh he serves shd
consider him (& therefore represent him to the S. of S.) as
unfitted for any particular office.
Such a refusal is quite consistent with a high respect for
Capt Gosset's integrity & ability, and a full appreciation of
the manner in which he may have filled an office of a different
character in another Colony.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
W.D. Gosset to W.A.G. Young, Acting Colonial Secretary, 18
August 1860, submitting a further application for the position of
colonial secretary and asking that it be forwarded to the secretary
of state.
Gosset to Young, 27 September 1859, promoting himself as an
applicant for the position of colonial secretary, in anticipation
of Young's resignation.
Gosset to Young, 11 August 1860, asking for reply to his
letter of 27 September 1859, with extended explanation of his claims
upon the office of colonial secretary (twelve pages).
Young to Gosset, 17 August 1860, advising that he had
reconsidered his resignation, and stressing that even if a vacancy
should occur in the future, Gosset would have no particular claim upon
the indulgence of the governor.