I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Grace's
Despatch N 18, of the
16 of April last, in reference to
the Proclamation issued by me

on the
14 of May 1859, for
the Naturalization of Aliens in
British Columbia, and I feel
truly grateful for the trouble which Your Grace has taken in
reviewing that Act, which I now observe has defects impairing
its efficiency, not only by allowing facilities in the
naturalization of aliens that may lead to the abuse of that
privilege, but also by granting rights which the Colonial
Legislature cannot confer, and in certain cases

the rights of persons naturalized, in a manner certainly not
contemplated by the Act.
2. I have, in consequence of Your Grace's remarks, called
the attention of Her Majesty's Attorney General to the subject
of that Proclamation, which will be amended as soon as possible,
in the manner which Your Grace has suggested.