I have to acknowledge your despatch "separate" of the
25 of
April last, enclosing a letter from
Colonel Moody dated the 9
on the subject
of the allowance made to him to defray the cost of his passage to
British Columbia and urging compliance with his application.
I greatly regret that I cannot feel at liberty to comply with it.
You will acquaint
Colonel Moody that the sum of One hundred pounds
(£100) for which he applied while in England for the passage of
Moody was paid to his credit at Mess
Cox and Company, in
November last,
and that with regard to the application contained in his present letter
for a further sum of One hundred pounds (£100)
on this account, as
Colonel Moody has already received a more liberal
allowance for the expenses of his passage
British Columbia than has
been granted in other cases, I do not feel at liberty to authorize any
additional payment to him on this account. I am sorry to hear from him,
and to find the intelligence confirmed by yourself, that so much
inconvenience has been felt and continues to be felt by public servants
in consequence of the high rate of living in
British Columbia. But I
fear I should be establishing a very inconvenient precedent by
entertaining under such circumstances an individual

application, which
there is no separate reason to justify.