I have to acknowledge your Despatch
N 26 of the
8 November last
reporting the arrival on the
29 of last October of
Captain Parsons
with the Detachment of Royal Engineers under his command. I have also
received from that officer a letter dated the
9 of November to the same effect.
You will inform
Capt Parsonsthat
that in accordance with the
established "Colonial Regulation" public functionaries who have any
representations of a public or private nature to make to Her Majesty's
Government should properly address them to the Governor of the Colony,
whose duty it is to receive and act upon such representation as the
public advantage may seem to him to require.
Capt Parsons will,
therefore be so good as to attend to this rule in future, the departure
from which is apt to produce inconvenience, and you will also make the
rule as widely known as possible, so that there may not be any ignorance
of it in either
British Columbia or
Van Couver's Island. Of course any Officer or private

person has a right to address the Secretary of State
direct on any subject which he thinks is necessary to bring under his
notice, but in that case he must send his petition or representation
under cover to the Governor, who will transmit it with such report as he
may deem it to require. Unless sent in this way through the Governor it cannot be
attended to.
I find that you are in possession of several Copies of the Book of Colonial regulations,
which were sent to you in your capacity of Governor of
Van Couvers Island. You will therefore be readily able to fulfil the preceding instruction.