I beg again to trouble your Lordship on the subject of the
Postal Contract between
British Columbia and
San Francisco. I arrived
in this Country
1 February last for the purpose of endeavouring
to carry out this undertaking.
My sole detention at present is in the hopes, and expectation,
of being able to secure the Postal Contract between
British Columbia
San Francisco in terms of my tender and to which I was led to
believe I should receive a favorable reply early this month, for the
conditions as originally stated therein were modified and amended to
meet the views of the authorities, from whose expressions I gathered,
without being binding upon them, that, with the exception of a matter
of etiquette with the United States Post Office, my offer would be
acceptable and myself and friends considered responsible and
competent for the fulfilment of the Contract. May I beg not simply
in my own name, but in
that of the Colony whose important interests
are in the meantime so much neglected and injured by want of regular
Mail Communication that you will kindly press this matter to a prompt
and favorable decision.