Your letter of the
3 inst, with its enclosures,
relative to the Marines sent to
Vancouvers Island from
China on board H.M. Ship "
Tribune" has been laid before the
Secretary of State for War. In reply I am to acquaint you,
for the information of the
Duke of Newcastle, that
Secretary Herbert sees no reason for differing from His
Grace in thinking that it might
be![Manuscript image Manuscript image](
be advisable, under the
circumstances, to call upon the Officer Commanding the
Detachment (
Captain Maginn) for an explanation of his
conduct in holding out to the Men promises of extra pay
and allowances and a grant of land at the end of six
years service; but he would remind His Grace that
Maginn is under the control of the
Admiralty and not of this Department.
M Herbert desires me at the same time to observe
that he does not perceive from Rear Admiral
Sir M. Seymour's
Despatch that any reference has been made
to![Manuscript image Manuscript image](
Colonel Holloway,
Commanding the Brigade of Royal Marines in China, who,
together with
M Jeans, the Admiral's Secretary, is
distinctly pointed out by
Captain Maginn as the Officer
from whom he received the assurances in question.