Your letter of the
3 inst, with its enclosures,
relative to the Marines sent to
Vancouvers Island from
China on board H.M. Ship "
Tribune" has been laid before the
Secretary of State for War. In reply I am to acquaint you,
for the information of the
Duke of Newcastle, that
Secretary Herbert sees no reason for differing from His
Grace in thinking that it might
be advisable, under the
circumstances, to call upon the Officer Commanding the
Detachment (
Captain Maginn) for an explanation of his
conduct in holding out to the Men promises of extra pay
and allowances and a grant of land at the end of six
years service; but he would remind His Grace that
Maginn is under the control of the
Admiralty and not of this Department.
M Herbert desires me at the same time to observe
that he does not perceive from Rear Admiral
Sir M. Seymour's
Despatch that any reference has been made
Colonel Holloway,
Commanding the Brigade of Royal Marines in China, who,
together with
M Jeans, the Admiral's Secretary, is
distinctly pointed out by
Captain Maginn as the Officer
from whom he received the assurances in question.