M Merivale
I contend that the
War Office has managed very ill in this
transaction for us, & that we ought to try & rescue the Colony
from the double expense. The
War Office, when it sends out
Stores, forwards them in
Gov transports. These
are as secure as they can be, risks at sea considered, & are
not insured. The
War Office is it's own insurer. But that was
not our position. We told the Office to provide & send out
the Stores to Columbia. A Vessel, & a bad one I have heard,
was hired. The goods were not insured, nor were we asked the
question whether they
be so insured—which, as the Colony
was supposed to be the ultimate repayers of the expense, the
W. Office, if they had used any proper precaution, might have
done—And the vessel was burnt.
The Colony is clearly not in the same position as the
Government—which was it's own insurer; and my view, considering
the circumstances of the case, is that we should tell the
War Office
that the Stores must be replaced with the least possible delay,
but that we cannot impose the charge of doing so on the Colony,
& that it must devolve on the
War Office to find the money.