I am commanded by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's
Treasury to acquaint you for the information of the
Duke of
Newcastle that in consequence of the further information
conveyed by your letter of the
11 Ultimo, they have again
taken into consideration the question of the establishment of
Assay Office in
British Columbia, and I am to observe that the
Report of the Treasurer of the Colony dated the [blank]
puts their question in a practical shape, postponing the larger
question of the Establishment of a Mint and confining the project
to a moderate and ascertained expenditure with the view
facilitating the collection of a Revenue from an Export duty on
gold, and affording advantages to the Miners in ascertaining and
realizing their treasure.
Their Lordships are satisfied moreover that the example
derived from the experience of California is calculated to overrule
the critical objections to the work of a Refinery and assay being
undertaken by a Government Establishment.
They are therefore prepared to sanction the necessary proceedings
for the establishment of a Government Assay and Refinery in
Columbia, and they will communicate with the Master of the Mint,
as suggested by
Captain Gossett [Gosset] regarding
regarding the arrangements to
be adopted for the purpose.