Lord Carnarvon
Now Instruct the
War Office to replace, with as much
despatch as possible, the lost stores, including those
mentioned as "public" in the list accompanying 4081.
Request the
War Office to understand, with reference to
the remark in
Sir B. Hawes' L of the 11 Ap that

this Office was not "fully aware" that it was not the
practice for the
War Office to insure Military Stores
sent to the B. Colonies, until after the loss of the
Briseis had called attention to the point—add that
Sir E.
Lytton begs that every precaution may be taken on this
occasion for the safe arrival of the stores now ordered,
& state that
Sir Ed will further be glad to be
informed when they are despatched from this Country.
Mention to the
War Office that the expense of replacing the
Stores will be borne on the
B. Columbia Estimate.
2. Inform the Governor that measures are being taken for
replacing the stores—with the exception of the Houses—the
Oats—& the hay.