With reference to the Letters from the
Colonial Office
of the
12 of October and
23 of December last,
relative to the right of Navigation of the
Columbia River
below the 49 Parallel, after the expiration of the
exclusive rights of the
Hudson's Bay Company, I am directed
The Earl of Malmesbury to transmit to you, to be laid
before Secretary
Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, the Draft of
a Despatch which His Lordship
proposes to address to
Napier in reply to his Despatch on this subject, No. 190
of the
30 of July last, a Copy of which was enclosed
in my Letter to you of the
18 of August last; and I
am to request that you will move
Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton to
Lord Malmesbury whether he concurs in the Draft.