I beg to acquaint you for the information of the Secretary
of State that a letter dated
8 January last has been
received from the Master of the Freight Ship "
Thames City"
reporting his arrival at
Port Stanley,
Falkland Islands, on
28 of December; and that having completed his supply
of fresh water, and taken in a necessary quantity of ballast,
he expected to continue his voyage to
Vancouver's Island on the
morning of the
9 of
of January. He also reports that the
Troops were in good health at that time, and that only one
death that of a child (from teething), and a few trifling
cases of sickness, had occurred since leaving this country.
P.S. By a subsequent letter of the Master, it appears that the
Thames City" put into
Valparaiso on the
10 February last,
and was about to leave on the
14 for her destination.