M Merivale
3 captains and 2 subalterns of the Royal Engineers
accompanied the party under
Colonel Moody.
Lieut Lempriere
one of the subalterns, having got his promotion applies for
the extra pay of a captian, viz £350 per ann: instead of £250.
There can be no reason for increasing the number of
Captains in proportion to that of Subalterns and
Lempriere should come home? If so might this not afford
an opportunity of diminishing the cost of the party by not
appointing another officer in
Captain L place at any
rate till
Colonel Moody reports that it

is necessary that
one should be sent out.
If this view is adopted the
War Office should be
requested to recall
Captain Lempriere, and the Governor
informed that this had been done. The Governor should at
the same time be authorized to pay
Capt. Lempriere the higher
rate of extra pay since the date of his promotion?