I have duly received your Despatch No 32 of the
15 March,
in reference to the admission of Barristers and Attornies to the
Court of
British Columbia.
2. The liberal measure of allowing foreign Counsel
to practise
in the Court of
British Columbia has been attended fortunately by
no evil effects, no foreigners having either practised in the Court,
or otherwise derived any advantage whatever from the concession,
one cause for which may be assigned to the fact that, the country
has enjoyed a singular degree of quiet, and almost an exemption
from troublesome litigation.
3. The
3. The privilege granted by the order of Court in favour of
attorneys and solicitors of the Supreme Court of the United States,
expired yesterday and will not be renewed, as numbers of English
Lawyers have arrived who purpose residing here permanently and
practising both in the Courts of
British Columbia and