I have the honor to forward to you herewith a Letter
addressed to you by
Colonel Moody, upon the subject of the
allowances made to him for the passages of himself and Family
from England to this Country, and I trust that it may be possible
to view his
case in a favorable light, for I can add my testimony
to the very heavy expense which attach to living in this part of
the world; and the disproportionate rate of the Officer's salaries
to the expensive nature of the Country, is a subject which I
propose to bring to the serious and special notice of Her Majesty's
Minutes by CO staff
M Merivale
See the annexed draft written in pursuance of the Minutes on 5435.
The despatch may be sent, as proposed, to the Governor,
I presume.
A demand for augmentation of salaries is on the road.
If it is intended to abide by the decision, then the
draft to be slightly altered as within.
I think that this s be submitted to our successors in this