I have duly received your Despatch of the
29 January
last N 11, transmitting for my information copy of an extract
from a letter dated
27 November 1858 from Rear Admiral
Sir Michael Seymour, reporting the sailing from Hong Kong of
Her Majesty's Ship
Tribune with 7 Officers and l60 non
commissioned Officers and Privates of the Royal Marines for
service of
British Columbia, and I have the honor to acquaint
you that the
Tribune arrived at
Esquimalt with the above
mentioned force on the
13 February last, as already
reported in my Despatch,
Vancouver's Island N 7 of the 19
of that month.
2. It being desirable for many reasons, to be explained
more fully hereafter, that this Force should not be detained
longer inactive at this place when it could be most
employed in
British Columbia, I have made arrangements with
the Senior Naval Officer for its removal to
Queensborough, to
which place it will proceed in the course of a few days.