With reference to my Despatch No. 92 of the
4 Instant
upon the subject of the Site chosen for the seat of Government
British Columbia, I have the honor to state to you that deeply
appreciating the kind and gratifying interest which Her Most
Gracious Majesty has been pleased to manifest towards the
development and prosperity of the Colony of
British Columbia, we
are earnestly desirous that Her Majesty should vouchsafe one further
proof of Her continued regard by signifying Her will as to the
Name to be given to the future Capital.
2. Her own Royal Name having already been bestowed upon
the Seat of Government of
Vancouver's Island cannot also be
assigned to that of
British Columbia, but until Her Majesty's
Commands can be communicated, it has been determined, for the
necessary sake of convenience, to distinquish the Town by the
name of "
Queensborough"; and it would be received and esteemed as
an especial mark of Royal favor were Her Majesty to name the
Capital of
British Columbia; either, indirectly, after His Royal
Highness the Prince
Consort, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales,
or some Member of the Royal Family, so that the Colonists of
British Columbia, separated from friends and kindred in this their
far distant home, may be ever gratefully reminded in the designation
of their Capital of the Power that protects their hearths, of the
watchful interest that guards their liberties, and of the gentle
sway by which they are governed.