I have to acquaint you that I have received from
M Brew, the
Chief Commissioner of Police in
British Columbia, a letter dated
Nova Scotia,
27 Sept 1858,
reporting his arrival in that Colony after
escaping from the Steamer "
Austria", destroyed by fire on the voyage to
New York; and that the Lieut. Governor of the
Province has reported to
me that an advance of £100 has been made to
M Brew from the Colonial
Treasury to enable him to continue his journey to
British Columbia.
I request that you will state to
M Brew that I have received
with much regret the account of the disaster which he encountered in
proceeding to assume his duties in
British Columbia, and that you will acquaint him that under the peculiar circumstances of the case,
Majesty's Government have granted to him this sum
of £100 in order to
reimburse him for the losses he has sustained.