I have the honor to introduce to you
Captain Parsons, the Bearer of
this despatch, who, in pursuance of the intention which I have already
communicated to you, has been directed to repair to
British Columbia
accompanied by twenty non-Commissioned officers and men of the Royal
I need scarcely observe to you that the object for which
officer and his party have been detached to
British Columbia is for the
exclusive service of that Colony. You will, therefore, afford him every
assistance in your power for enabling him to commence immediately such
operations in it as shall appear to him to be necessary in anticipation
of the arrival of his Commanding Officer
Colonel Moody R.E. who will
follow him with as much rapidity as is practicable. And I trust that if
Captain Parsons should require the temporary occupation for his party of
the trading posts up the country, which belong to the Hudson's Bay
Company you will take measures for affording them such
