Lords Commissoners of Her Majesty's Treasury having
had under their consideration your Letter of the
transmitting a copy of a Letter from the
Secretary to the
Bank of British North America submitting
proposals for establishing a Bank in
British Columbia and
Vancouver's Island, and requesting Their Lordships' opinion
and advice
on the subject, I am commanded to acquaint you for
the information of Secretary
Sir E. Bulwer Lytton that as
the Charter of the British Bank of North America empowers
that Corporation to establish branches "in any of the British
Colonies or Settlements in North America or adjacent to
British North America" there would appear to be no obstacle
to the proceeding contemplated by the Directors in the case
Vancouver's Island and
British Columbia, and My Lords are
of opinion that having
regard to the advantage which those
Colonies would derive from the early establishment of well
conducted Banks supported by British Capital, proper
encouragement should be afforded to the undertaking. At
the same time Their Lordships' consider that it would be very
undesirable to give to this Bank any pledge in regard to
entrusting to it Government business or to such preference in any
respect as would give it the privilege or even appearance of
a monopoly. Some risk will no doubt, as represented in the
Letter from
the Secretary to the Bank, attend the first
establishment of a Bank in a new Colony, but, on the other
hand, it is impossible to foresee the extent of banking
accommodation which may be soon required at either place, and
My Lords think that it may be safely left to Capitalists to
judge of the expediency of incurring the risk.
The interference of Her Majesty's Government should be
confined in the case of New Banks to the enforcement of
those requirements which the regulations for the establishment
of Banking Companies in the Colonies
provide for the Security
of the Public and such Banks should not be detained from
fair competition by previous concessions to existing Banks.
The circumstance that a petition has been presented to
the Queen in Council for the Grant of a Charter to another
Company for conducting Banking operations in the Colonies
in question, apparently under creditable auspices, affords
additional ground for caution in regard to any pledge of
special favour to the
Bank of British North America.