2. I am glad to learn
that such is the intention of this Society,
and I shall be most happy to render every assistance in my power to the
Clergymen when they arrive. They will find there is an extensive field
open to Missionary enterprise, as well amongst the white population as
amongst the native Indian Tribes.
3. The recent immigration into the British Possessions in these
parts has consisted mainly of Foreigners, and bearing this in mind, with
the local position of the Territory, and the influence that may
exercised by the Ministers of Religion over a people, it appears to me
very desirable that there should be but little opening for the
introduction of any Foreign Clergy; and for these reasons alone, merely
as a matter of policy and without entering into higher considerations, I
esteem it of some importance that every encouragement should be given
to promote the emigration to this Country of English Clergymen.