I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch
No. 7 [
Vancouver Island] of the
14 of August
transmitting to me copy of an Act, providing for the Government of
British Columbia; and
mentioning that
there had not been time by that mail to furnish
me with the order in Council, Commission, and Instructions as
Governor, which are necessary in order to complete my legal
You nevertheless are pleased to authorize me to act, during
the brief interval before their arrival as I have hitherto done,
as the authorized representative of Her Majesty's Government, in
the Territory of
British Columbia, and to take such steps as I
may deem absolutely necessary for the Government of the Territory,
and as are not repugnant
to the principles of British Law, and
as are in conformity with the directions you have transmitted to
me, on several subjects, in your despatches No. 8, and 9 of the
14 of August
and in such others as I may receive from
you hereafter, and I have in reply to assure you that your
instructions on every subject respecting the public duties I
have to perform, will be implicitly obeyed.