-enhPlease note that any Wendat form with one or two hyphens attached to it is not a word. The hyphens indicate that the form must take a prefix, a suffix, or both, in order to create a full word in Wendat. Wendat forms with hyphens cannot be used on their own. |
Definition |
Part of Speech | aspect-mood suffix |
Phonological Form | -ęh |
Pre-Wendat Form | *-ęh |
Examples for entry
- ayewendierihenh
I have given my word, I am committed, my voice is straight
- ayihrenh
I have drunk
- ayotsa’tänionwanhatie’
they are at the end of their meal, they are arriving having eaten their meal
- a’khen’ndiyonhraenton’s de ayorahskwanh
I think about those who have left
- öne ontaënywikhenhatie’
when the corn starts to flower
- orihierihenh ehchiatatia’
you will speak correctly
- onsayaka’ de aonyarahskwanhnen’
I abandoned the thought of leaving
- skontonnhatieren’s
their lives are similar
- tehikhenh
they are twins
- teonywatekhahskawanh
we are separated
- teyahwen’yarakhenh
two boards joined to one another